Humanitarian helicopter for civilian use
When a natural disaster strikes, all we can hope for is that help comes fast. Inspired by his own experience of a tsunami in 2006, Satyendra Pakhalé created a humanitarian helicopter for civilian use in 2007. The hybrid-powered rotor system is integrated to increase the helicopter’s safety and greatly reduce external noise, allowing it to be used both day and night in urban and rural scenarios. Helicopter R44-D has a unique central connection for its landing skids, which can also be used as a step-ladder easing access to the cabin. Pakhalé focused on what he calls a ‘secular-humanistic and culturally engaging design approach’ to develop this idiosyncratic work.

The helicopter flying system controlled from the digital-analogue console.
The hybrid-powered rotor system is integrated to increase safety and greatly reduce external noise, allowing the helicopter to be used both day and night in urban and rural scenarios. The large windows allow for greater visibility, and contribute to the helicopter’s lightweight appearance.