35 × 35 × 54 cm

The Meander is a living sculpture as a seating object for intuitive, active use in all sorts of living spaces. It can be stacked in various directions and is ideal for spontaneous use. The relational geometry of the Meander makes it tessellate perfectly in both upright and horizontal positions – creating a fascinating landscape in an interior space.

Satyendra Pakhalé, observes, “The main feature of this object is that it evokes a playful response in people. They pick up the Meander from the stacked composition, use it for sitting however they like, and place it back.”

Materiality and its expression: Meander is made of recycled acrylic fabric. Acrylic is a synthetic man-made material that was originally developed to be an alternative to wool. Today it’s widely popular and is used in apparel, upholstery and boat covers just to name a few. Its over production worldwide and its overconsumption in our throw-away society led me to recycle it for making Meander. The choice that the piece does not give a trace of up-cycling this industrially discarded material is a conscious decision.

Available at Rademakers Gallery