Ghoda Chair is a furniture object with an energetic physical presence halfway between soft and hard, between flesh and object, between craft and industry. Evolved from Satyendra Pakhalé’s most iconic work yet – the B.M. Horse family created in 2000 as limited editions in bronze – the Ghoda Chair refers to its ‘sensuality’ and ‘spaghetti-lost-wax-casting-process’. Now industrially produced by qeeboo in recyclable polyethylene in several colours Ghoda Chair becomes protagonist in any indoor or outdoor space.

Satyendra Pakhalé, states, “Ghoda Chair is refreshing in its sensuality, re-eroticizing the world, as it were. This makes it very much ‘present’ in space – almost like an object that has always been there, that has come from the distant future and the past at the same time. It looks at the past and the future in a single stroke.”

Available at  Qeeboo, Italy