Ananda I Delight

180 × 128 cm

Ananda meaning ‘happiness’ is a totemic tapestry. What makes ANANDA I Delight rare is its unique ‘Tibetan hand knotting’ technique and the alchemy of the hand dying process of natural wool and fine silk in a variety of subtle hues of colours creating meaning. The shades of blues indicate infinity and the silence of the sky. The totemic delightful embodied form provides an architectonic context to the piece. These elements create a feeling of a ‘passage of time’ and depth in the piece.

The natural wool and fine silk spun and dyed by hand, gives the ANANDA I Delight tapestry subtle sensorial variations in colour and texture, each leading to become a unique piece in the limited edition.

Ananda I Delight / Contact Rademakers Gallery 

2023, Tibetan hand knotted tapestry